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How free effects business

Tuesday Dec 08, 2009

Tuesday Dec 08, 2009

I did my final project on how free helps businesses to make a profit and my own personal thoughts on the matter.
ps. I had to delete some older podcasts in order to upload mine.


Tuesday Dec 08, 2009

Tuesday Dec 08, 2009

I tracked a few online services and products that changed their price over the years, as well as interviewing colleagues on their preferences for online programs.

Tuesday Dec 08, 2009

This entire class has been devoted to learning and knowing exactly what copyright laws are dong for us in Amercia.  In this podcast, the evolution, the current, and the possible future of the copyright laws are described. The main focus is however is not about the laws themselves, it is more about how they need to be changed. If there is one thing I have gather from this class is that the copyright laws in America are fundamentally flawed and need revision. Copyright laws have been distorted from their original purpose, and until we can bring things back, creativity will be tightly controlled rather than encouraged.
-Kevin Cherniawski

Monday Dec 07, 2009

My final project. I discuss copyright laws, lawsuits, and their effect on our culture.
-Andrew Hogan

Sunday Dec 06, 2009

For decades, countless consumers in our society have waded into the swamp of a “hit-driven economy.” In general, people naturally assume or are swayed to accept the notion that whatever product reaches the rankings of “best-seller” or “top-100” must be the best and other products that fail to reach such lofty criteria are therefore not worthy of purchase and are not profitable for the companies that produce them. Nonetheless, according to Chris Anderson’s analysis, this is a general misconception. In reality, the more profitable and better products such as books, music, and videos are often located on “the long tail” or on the opposite side of the megahits.
Thus, I further expand upon this ironic reality and accumulate more examples that prove that products on “the shallow end of the bitstream” are deemed to become the foundation for the entertainment industry as online services expand their product availability, create unlimited “shelf space,” and offer more consumer choice by masking the limited choices the mega-hit-carrying retailers offer.
- S. Petrov

Zombie Music

Tuesday Nov 10, 2009

Tuesday Nov 10, 2009

After years of research on zombie's music, there is enough information to publish this podcast.

Monday Nov 09, 2009

In this Zombie 5 Podcast I discuss the reality of how the definition or denotation of the word Zombie has been remixed and altered to fit into the contexts or cultures in which it is used.

Sunday Nov 08, 2009

With tensions between the nations under NATO and the provinces under the Zombie Horde increasing daily, it is only a matter of time before conflict erupts between them. With economist William Bailey, we take a look at the fiscal earnings of the Zombie Horde under the leadership of their new ruler, the Lich King. Hosted by news anchor, Kevin Cherniawski

Tuesday Nov 03, 2009

I discuss how the idea of a zombie has been remixed throughout history.
Andrew Hogan

Tuesday Nov 03, 2009

Zombies have plagued our society now for several decades. Little is known about their true origin or their cross-cultural development. We are often limited to think of them as filthy, tattered, moaning, blood-gushing, and decaying beings that swarm the world in search of human flesh. Being the fourth man of the group Zombie 5 it is my duty to unravel the mysteries and misconceptions hidden behind the fear of zombies and report on their mass migration into the US over the past lingering years.

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